
  1. Click the [Protocols Tab] to view or add/edit/delete protocols for the selected RAM permit.

  1. Click [Add] or [Edit] to add or modify a protocol.
  2. Enter the Protocol (code or name).
  3. Enter the Protocol Description.
  4. Select the Type from the dropdown list as applicable.

  1. Select the Animal Name from the dropdown list.
  2. Enter OtherPi if applicable.

  1. Pick the Isotope from the dropdown list - the list will show the isotopes on the permit.
  2. Click [Add] to add move each isotope to the Isotopes Used list.

  1. Pick Location - select and add each Location from the dropdown by choosing and clicking [Add] to add to the Locations Used list.

  1. Use the [Clear] button to clear the list of Istopes Used and/or Locations Used.
  2. Enter the Chemical Form.
  3. Enter the Assesment Factor, Use Factor, and Operation as applicable/needed.
  4. Select Yes/No if RUC Required.
  5. Select the Contact from the personnel listed on the permit.
  6. Enter/select the Approval Date for this protocol.
  7. Enter any comments pertaining to the protocol.

  1. Click [Save] to save the entries, or [Cancel] to discard all entries or edits on the screen.