Inventory - Chemical Inventory - Chemical Requistion

  1. Select the Inventory icon from the Main Menu bar.  
  2. Select Chemical Requistions from under [Chemical Inventory].

  1. From the PI Menu icons, select Chemical Requisitions..

  1. Chemical requistions are entered by the PI and approved by Administrative or Management personnel.  After approval, chemical receipts may be added under the requisition.

  1. The Chemical Requistion Listing screen is shown below.  The PI will only see the requisitions for PI's that they have access to in their user configuration, typically just their own requisitions.

  1. Use sorts (click on header row column), grouping, and filters to sort or view the list by any column (Order Date, Chemical Description, etc.).
  2. Administrative users will be able to see Open and Closed requisitions, as well as Approve or Deny the requisistion.

  1. PI's will only be able to view their Open requisitions.

  1. To add a requisition, the PI clicks on [+Add] to open the add Chemical Requisition screen.  The user will need to select a Chem permit from the dropdown.  The PI is required to have a Chem permit to request chemicals.

  1. Select the Chemical permit for this requisition, and then the Select a Chemical window will open.
  2. Choose Search by Chemical Descripton or Show PI's Personal Catalog to find the chemical needed.

  1. Click the [Not Found in Catalog] button if the item is not in the Chemical catalog.

  1. Type in the chemical description, or first several letters, and click the [Search] button.
  2. The EHSA program will return the Chemical that most closely matches the description, as well as similar chemicals.
  3. Click the [Select] button for the chemical line item you wish to request.

  1. The chemical information will populate.

  1. Enter the # of Units, Qty. per Unit, Volume/Size, and Physical State.  Fields marked with a * are required.
  2. The Vendor Information and Location and & Storage Information fields are optional.
  3. After entry, click [Save] to create the Requisition record.
  4. For chemicals with hazards that are not selected, a Fire Zone Status warning will appear.

  1. Click [OK] to acknowledge and save the record.
  2. The new chemical requisition will be saved.  

  1. An Administrator or Manger will need to appove the Requisition.