Chemical Catalog

Click on the Inventory icon on the Main Menu.  Then click/select Chemical Catalog under the Chemical Inventory menu list.

  1. This opens the Chemical Catalog listing screen.  Use filters and sorting options to view and find items in the Chemical Catalog.

  1. Highlight a row and click Edit (or double click a highlighted row) to open view details and/or edit the chemical information.  The Basic Information for the chemical is at the top of the screen. Scroll down to view additional sections/details.
  2. The starred *  fields are required.  Chemical Description is an example of a required field.
  3. Dropdowns for User Created CAS?,  Multiple Ingredients?, and Expiration Required? fields is Yes or No.  These can also be left blank.

  1. The next section contains Properties as shown below.

  1. Hazard Ratings section and More Detail tabs complete the chemical details screen information fields.  The SDS tab is selected below under the More Details Section.

  1. Use the The Waste Hazards, RCRA#'s, FIre Zone Limits, Chemical Lists, Vendors, PPE tabs to move or remove hazards or lists to/from the chemical.  An example is the Waste Hazards tab shown below.
  2. Waste Hazards are added to the chemical by highlighting a hazard and clicking the [Select] button to move it to the selected hazards list.
  3. Click the [Remove] button remove a selected/highlighted item.
  4. Click the [Save] button to save any edits.