Violation Response Review

The Violation Response Review is used by Inspectors to review PI and Manager responses to inspection violations.  The Inspectors review responses and correction notes. They can accept the correction, or request a reinspection.

  1. Click on the [Inspections] menu icon, then select Violation Response Review.

  1. This opens the violation response review listing screen as shown below.
  2. Use filters and sorting to find specific violations.  For example, select an inspector from the dropdown listing.

  1. Click the green [Approve Response] button for a violation item to view and approve the response.
  2. This opens an Approve Response pop-up box.

  1. Enter any Comments and click [Update] to approve the response and remove it from the open violations listing.
  2. Click [Cancel] to keep the violation on the list.
  3. Click the [View Corrected] button to view the list of corrected violations.

  1. The corrected violations listing is shown below.

  1. This is a view only screen.  Use filters and sorting to search for and find specific violations.