Edit Training Course

An example Edit Web Training Course screen is shown below:

  1. The Web Course Units shown on the left are the major sections.  Each Unit may cover a specific topic.  A web course may often have only one unit.
  2. The Parts are more like chapters in a book.  Each part will have embedded or uploaded material for the trainee to view.
  3. Videos may be embedded. A PowerPoint presentation, a PDF or other file can be uploaded.
  4. Training managers and personnel can structure courses as desired.
  5. In the Web Course Units section, click Add, Edit or Delete to add, modify or delete a Unit. Please note, deleting a Unit will delete all it's Parts and Questions.
  6. The Questions pertain to all of the Parts in a Unit.  
  7. You can rearrange the Units or Parts by highlighting a Unit or Part and clicking the [Move Up] and [Move Down] buttons as needed.
  8. Click [Save] after making any changes.  Click [Cancel] to discard changes and go back to the previous screen.
  9. Click [+Add] in the Parts section to add a new Part, or highlight a Part and click [Edit] to modify the Part.
  10. Internal Use Section:  these fields will not display when taking the course.  The Unit Number, next Part Number and Course will auto-fill when adding a new Part.
  11. Enter the Name and Description.
  12. Content Section: Enter the Header and Text. .