
  1. Select the Procure icon from the Main Menu bar.
  2. Select Ram Requisition Entry from under [Procure].

  1. From the PI Menu icons, select Inventory.

  1. Then select Ram Requisition Entry.

  1. Ram Requisition screen will open.

  1. Click [Add] or [Edit] to open the Ram Requisition Entry/Edit Screen.

  1. Select the PI from the dropdown menu.

  1. Then select the Isotope from those available for the PI (based on the PI's permitted isotopes).

  1. This selection will also bring in the License Line # and Permit #.  Continue entering the other data fields on the screen.

  1. Click the [Check Permit Limits] button to view

  1. Click the [Approve/Deny] button to open the Requisition Approval Status window view for viewing and editing.

  1. Click [Save] when all entries or edits are complete.  Or, click [Cancel] to discard changes.