Bioagent Inventory Add or Edit

  1. Click [Add] to add a Bioagent Inventory item, or [Edit] to modify an item.   This opens the Bioagent Inventory Edit screen shown below.

  1. Select the PI from the dropdown list to begin.  The PI's Bioagent Permit # will auto-fill. If the PI was more than one Bioagent Permit, select from the dropdown list of permits.
  2. Select the Status for the inventory item from the dropdown list
  3. Enter any Label information in the Label field if needed. (This is not a required field.)
  4. Next, select the Bioagent Category from the dropdown list of Bioagent Categories in the bioagent catalog.  
  5. Select a Bioagent/Bioagent Description - click the [Select] button beside the Bioagent you want to add.

  1. Enter the # of Units, Concentration, and Unit for the Bioagent.
  2. Next, enter the Hazard Information fields as applicable.
  3. Select the Stain from the dropdown.

  1. Select the Location information - Building and Lab where the bioagent will be stored.
  2. Select the Contact Information as needed.   The dropdown list of Contacts will be the workers attached to the PI's permit.

  1. Click [Save] to save the entry/changes.  Click [Cancel] to discard any edits or entries.