Adding or Editing a Permit

  1. Click the arrow beside a highlight PI to open the PI's permit view window.

  1. Click [Add] to add a permit.  To edit a permit, highlight the permit and click [Edit].   Click [Archive] to archive the permit.

  1. Clicking [Add] will open the permit selection list.  Select the permit type and add the permit information.

  1. The Add Permit screen is shown below.

  1. Enter the [Permit #].
  2. The [Permit Type] will default to the type based on the permit tab previously selected. The example shown is a RAM permit.
  3. Select the [Subcategory] from the dropdown list.
  4. Select the [Protocol Type] from the dropdown list.
  5. Select the [Permit Status] from the dropdown list.
  6. Select the [Inspector] from the dropdown list if applicable.
  7. Enter the [Permit Title] as needed/applicable.
  8. Click [Save] if finished, or continue adding permit details – Isotopes, Workers, Labs, etc. on the lower portion of the screen.

Adding Isotopes:

  1. Select the [Isotopes] tab and click [Add] to open the [Ram Permit Limit Record] screen.

  1. Click [Select Isotope] to open “Select an Isotope” view and add Isotopes.

  1. Find the Isotope and click on [Select] to add to the permit.

  1. The [Isotope] and [Lic. Line #] will fill in on the permit.  

  1. Select the [Source Type].  

  1. If “Sealed” is selected, the [Sealed Source Information] box will open.  Enter the Sealed Source Information.

  1. Select [Compound(s)] from the dropdown list.  Click [Add] to add the compound to the list.  Multiple compounds can be added to the list.


  1. Continue entering information for [Possession Limit], [Annual Limit], [Shipment Limit], and [Comments].  

  1. Add [Uses].  Enter a use in the [Use] field, then click [Add] to add each use.  Multiple uses may be entered.  Click [Clear] to clear all uses.

  1. Click [Save] to save entries, or [Cancel] to discard entry/changes.

Adding Workers:

  1. Select the [Workers] tab to attach workers to a permit.
  2. Use the Filter by clicking the small arrow to open the filter option.
  3. Click the arrow next to "Contains" to bring up other options such as "Is Equal To" "Starts With", etc.
  4. Enter search value and click [Filter] to find values.
  5. Click [Clear] to clear out the criteria.

  1. Click the [Attach] button beside each worker to attach the individual worker.

  1. Select the worker [Function] from the dropdown for each attached worker.

  1. Continue adding workers and their function.  Click [Save] to save the information.

  1. Click [Detach] button to remove a worker from the permit.  Then click [Save] to save changes.

Adding Labs:

  1. Select the [Labs] tab to add labs to the permit.
  2. Select the Building from the dropdown list of all Buildings in the database.

Click the [Attach] button beside each lab to attach the individual lab(s).

  1. Select the [Use] for the lab from the dropdown.
  2. Check the box in the Primary column if lab is a Primary Lab.

Continue adding buildings and labs.  Click [Save] to save the Building/Labs information.

  1. Click the [Detach] button to remove a lab.  Then click [Save] to save changes.


Click [Add], [Edit], or [Archive] on the Amendments tab to add or modify permit amendments.


  1. Select the [Conditions] Tab to add/enter any permit conditions.

  1. Enter Condition information as needed.
  2. Click [Save] to save the entry.

Permit History: 

This tab shows the history of the permit transactions.


  1. Click the [Protocols Tab] to view or add/edit/delete protocols for the selected permit.

  1. Click [Add] or [Edit] to add or modify a protocol.
  2. Enter the Protocol (code or name).
  3. Enter the Protocol Description.
  4. Select the Type from the dropdown list as applicable.

  1. Select the Animal Name from the dropdown list.
  2. Enter OtherPi if applicable.

  1. Pick the Isotope from the dropdown list - the list will show the isotopes on the permit.
  2. Click [Add] to add move each isotope to the Isotopes Used list.

  1. Pick Location - select and add each Location from the dropdown by choosing and clicking [Add] to add to the Locations Used list.

  1. Use the [Clear] button to clear the list of Istopes Used and/or Locations Used.
  2. Enter the Chemical Form.
  3. Enter the Assesment Factor, Use Factor, and Operation as applicable/needed.
  4. Select Yes/No if RUC Required.
  5. Select the Contact from the personnel listed on the permit.
  6. Enter/select the Approval Date for this protocol.
  7. Enter any comments pertaining to the protocol.

  1. Click [Save] to save the entries, or [Cancel] to discard all entries or edits on the screen.