
Click [Add] to add a new inspector, or [Edit] to edit existing inspectors.   Click [Archive] to delete an inspector.

Most often, you will convert a current worker to an inspector by clicking on the [Convert Worker to Inspector] button.

  1. This opens a Select Worker search box as shown below.

  1. Enter the first several letters of the last name of the worker you need to convert to an Inspector and click [Search].
  2. Then click the [Select] button to choose the worker on the list that you want to convert to an inspector.

  1. The information will populate the grid.  
  2. Click [Save] to save the inspector info.

Add or Edit an Inspector:

  1. Inspector - enter the Inspector initials or code.
  2. Inspector Name - enter the full name of the inspector.
  3. Title - enter the inspector's title.
  4. Phone - enter the inspector's phone number.
  5. Email - enter the inspector's email address.
  6. User ID Link - enter the EHSA user ID for this individual.  This field must be filled in to allow the inspector to link to assigned protocols for review.