Customizing Column Order Display:

Users can rearrange the display order (left to right) of the columns on any grid view screen.   Custom column heading order can be set and saved for each individual login.

  1.  For example, when opening the Bioagent Inventory screen, the view appears as shown below.

  1. Click on a column header and drag it to a new position to rearrange the view.  For example, click on the Location header above and move between Permit # and Receipt Date columns.

  1. The view will now display the Location column in the position selected as shown below.

  1. To save any new settings for your login, select Save Settings from the Logout dropdown options.  
  2. If you do not save the setting changes, the program will revert back to the defaults next time you login into EHSA.

  1. A confirmation pop-up box will appear.

  1. Click [Yes] to save the grid column order settings, or [No] to go back to the default.

  1. If [Yes] is selected, the program will confirm the new settings have been saved.

  1. The next time the user logs in, the new settings will be displayed.

  1. To Clear Settings and return to defaults, select Clear Settings from the Logout dropdown options.

  1. A confirmation pop-up box will appear.

  1. Click [Yes] to clear column order settings, or [No] to leave as selected.