Training Course Edit

  1. Click on [Edit] to modify a course, or [Add] to add a new course.
  2. Enter/edit the Training Course Information.
  3. Enter the code for for Course #.
  4. Select the Course Status from the dropdown list.
  5. Check the corresponding box if the course is Web Based or a Cluster Course.   Note: if other terms are used for Web Based or Cluster Courses, or you need to track different features, the screen labels can be modified by clicking on the [Edit Labels] button. (See Edit Labels help topic.)

  1. Enter the Alt. Course ID if applicable.
  2. Enter the Description and select the Category from the dropdown (i.e. CHEM, RAM, etc).
  3. Select the Course Frequency radio button.  When the course frequency is selected, the Frequency (in months) will automatically update to the corresponding number of months. If "One-Time" Course Frequency is chosen, the Frequency will update to "One-Time".

  1. If "Custom" Course Frequency is chosen, the Frequency field will be editable to any monthly frequency entered.

  1. Enter Topic as applicable or needed.  (Note:This field may be useful for reports and/or training certificates.)
  2. If there is a Prerequisite for the course, select if from the Prerequisite dropdown list of other courses available.
  3. Course Equivalents - Click the [Attach] button beside the course name to add any Course equivalents.

  1. A Certificate Signature can be added for use on Training Certificates for the course.  Click the [Select Document] button under the Training Certificate section to browse to the file and save a signature or other image.

  1. Click [Save] button to save all changes or edits.