Inventory - Ram Inventory - Sealed Source Inventory

Users can view, add, edit or delete Sealed Source Inventory from a PI in this screen.  Inventory Transfers from one PI to another can also be made on this screen.

  1. Select the Inventory icon from the Main Menu bar.  
  2. Select Sealed Source Inventory from under [RAM Inventory].

  1. This opens the Sealed Source Inventory screen.

  1. Click [Add] to add a Sealed Source Inventory item, or [Edit] to modify an item.   This opens the Inventory Edit screen shown below.
  2. When the isotope is a Sealed Source, the [Sealed Source Information] button will be available.

  1. Click the [Sealed Source Information] button to open the Sealed Source detail screen.
  2. To Change the PI, select a different PI from the dropdown list and click [Save] to save record.

  1. Edit the Sealed Source fields as needed.
  2. Enter the Source Mgf. Serial #.
  3. Select the Source Manufacturer from the dropdown.
  4. Enter the Source Model.
  5. The Org. Serial # should fill in from the original source and not need to be modified unless it is incorrect.
  6. Select the Configuration from the dropdown list.
  7. Enter any Comments as needed.
  8. User may add a Photo by clicking on the [Select Photo] button and navigating to a photo to add to the record.

Sealed Source History

The Sealed Source History shows the Leak Test, Inventory History, and any other history items for the source.

  1. Click [Add] to add a history item.

  1. This will open the Add Sealed Source History screen.

  1. Enter the sealed history details, beginning with entering a date.  Use the calendar option to select the date, or enter the date MM/DD/YYYY.
  2. Select the Status from the dropdown list.
  3. Select the History Type from the dropdown list.
  4. Enter the Removable Activity and Unit.
  5. Select the Result from the dropdown list.
  6. The Next Due date will auto-populate based on the frequency for the history type selected.
  7. Select the Performed By from the dropdown list.
  8. Enter any Comments about the history.
  9. Under the Equipment Used box, select the Liquid Scintillation Counter and Survey Instrument from the respective dropdown lists.

  1. The completed history is shown above.  Click [Save] to save the entry, or [Cancel] to discard the changes.