Personal Exposure Monitoring

Select Exposures from the [Exposures] Main Menu icon.   Then select Personal Exposure Monitoring.

  1. This opens the Personal Exposure Monitoring listing screen.

  1. Click [+Add] to add a new exposure, or highlight a record and click [Edit] to modify an existing entry.

  1. Fields marked with an * are required.  
  2. When adding a new record, clicking on the Worker Name field will open the Select Worker search window.   Type in the first few letters of the worker's name to filter the list.
  3. As you can see in the example below, this includes Last and First names in the results.

  1. Click the [Select] button to bring in the worker you need.
  2. Enter the exposure data fields.

  1. Scroll down to view the tabs for additional data entry.

  1. New items can be added/removed from these tab dropdown lists by typing in an entry.  
  2. For example, Hard hat is typed in under the PPE tab.   Click [Add Entry To List] to make available in the dropdown list, or just click [Attach PPE] if this is a single use of the item.
  3. Items in the list can be removed from the list by clicking [Delete Entry From List]
  4. Deleting from the list will not affect previously attached items.

  1. Anlytical Method tab - multiple methods can be attached.

  1. PPE tab - multiple PPE items can be attached.

  1. Engineering Controls tab - multiple items can be attached.

  1. Hazards tab - the hazards tab has a Category and a Hazard dropdown.  Select the Category, then the Hazard.

  1. Locations tab - select the Building and then the lab.  Multiple locations can be added.  (Note: this pulls from the locations in EHSA, additional locations/entries cannot be added to the dropdown.)

  1. Equipment tab - multiple items can be attached.

  1. Media tab - multiple items can be attached.

  1. Results tab -  sampling results for hazards.

  1. After all entries are complete, click on [Save] to save changes/edits.