
Select the Locations icon from the Main Menu to view the Locations menu selections.   Then select Locations/Labs to open the Locations list.

OR Highlight a Building in the building listing and click on [View Labs/Rooms] to view the labs for the selected building.

  1. This opens the Locations List Screen. Use filters and column sorting to view and find Labs for viewing and editing.

  1. Click [Add] to add a new lab/room, or [Edit] to view or modify an existing lab/room.  This opens the Location Edit Screen shown below.

  1. Click the Contacts tab to view or modify the Contacts attached to the lab/room.

  1. Search by PI/Permit or All Workers to find and select workers to add to the location/lab.  When searching by PI/Permit, click the [Search by PI/Permit] option.  Select the PI and then the Permit # from the dropdown lists.  A list of Workers on the attached PI/Permit combination will be available to attach to the location.  Click [Attach] button to add workers,

  1. Use the [Search All Workers] option to find and attach any worker in the database.  Use the filters to narrow the search on the Worker Name, then click [Search] to view results and attach as needed.

  1. Click the Hazards tab to view lab hazards.  Click [Add] or [Edit] to add or modify a hazard for the lab/room.  Click [Archive] to delete the hazard from the lab/room.

  1. The Add/edit screen is shown below.  Click [Save] when edits are complete, or [Cancel] to discard changes.

  1. Click the Lab Notes tab to view the notes/histories for the lab/room.  Use the filters and sorting to find notes for viewing or modification. Click [Add] to add a new note or [Edit] to modify an existing note.
  2. Notes about lab status and permits are automatically entered when the changes are made.

  1. When adding a new note, enter information on the Add Lab Note Screen shown below.

  1. Enter the note date or select with the calendar date picker.
  2. The Building and Lab will default to the currently selected location.
  3. Select the Type of note from the dropdown.
  4. Enter the Note details.
  5. Click [Save] to save the note, or [Cancel] to discard the entry.

  1. To delete a lab note, highlight a note row and click the [Archive] button.

  1. A Confirmation pop-up window will appear.  Click [Yes] to delete the note, or [No] to cancel the deletion.

  1. Click the [Lab Sketches] tab to view or attach documents to the lab.

  1. Click the [Select Document/File For Upload] button to navigate to the document to add.
  2. Navigate to the file location and double-click on the file to add.

  1. The file will load into the program.  Click [Save] to save the document to the location, or [Cancel] to close without attaching the file.