Bulk Exposure Monitoring

Select Exposures from the [Exposures] Main Menu icon.   Then select Bulk Exposure Monitoring.

  1. This opens the Exposure Listing screen for Bulk Exposures.

  1. Click [+Add] to add a new exposure, or highlight a record and click [Edit] to modify an existing entry.  The entry screen is shown below.

  1. Enter data as applicable and proceed to the data tabs in the lower portion of the screen.

  1. Analytic Method tab - multiple methods can be attached.
  2. New items can be added/removed from this dropdown list by typing in an entry.  
  3. For example, to add Gravimetric Analysis II, it can be typed in the tab field.  

  1. Click [Add Entry To List] to make available in the dropdown list, or just click [Attach Method] if this is a single use of the item.
  2. Items in the list can be removed from the list by clicking [Delete Entry From List]
  3. Deleting from the list will not affect previously attached items.

  1. Hazards tab - multiple hazards can be attached.
  2. Select the Hazard Type, then the Hazard, from the dropdowns.  
  3. Click [Attach Hazard] for each hazard you wish to attach.

  1. Locations tab - multiple locations can be added.
  2. Select Building, then lab from dropdowns.  
  3. Click [Attach Location] for location.

  1. Results tab - enter data for each of the Hazards that were attached.
  2. Attach Result documents as needed.

  1. After all entries are complete, click on [Save] to save changes/edits.