Assessment Edit

This applies to Administrators and those that will be maintaining the forms:

Select the Employees icon from the Main Menu to view the menu selections.   Then select the options under EHS Assessment to view and create the Assesments you will use.

  1. Select EHS Assessment to open Assessment listing screen.  This is listing of all the assesments entered by the PI or other other personnel.

  1. The assesments can be viewed by the status selected in the Status dropdown, the default view is Pending.  
  2. Click on [+Browse New Forms] to view the various forms that are available in the application.

  1. Clicking the [Start] button will open and begin a new assesment form/entry.

  1. Highlighting a row and clicking [Edit] allows administrators to modify assesments, edit questions and quickly view the changes to the form.
  2. Click on Modify Questions to enable editing.

  1. Then naviaget to the section/question and click on the little red symbol beside a question to open for modification/editing.

  1. Options include Move Up, Move Down, Edit Question, Insert Question, and Copy Question.

  1. After making any edits, click on [Save] in the lower left corrner of the window to save changes and close the edit screen.

  1. You can immediatly view and test the question modifications by clicking [Yes] to reload the page and view change.