Building Notes

Select the Locations icon from the Main Menu to view the Locations menu selections.   Then select Building Notes.

  1. This opens the Building Notes List Screen as shown below.

  1. Click [Add] to add a Building Note or highlight and [Edit] to modify an existing note.
  2. This opens the Edit Building Notes screen.

  1. Click [Save] to save the changes, or [Cancel] to discard edits and go back to the previous screen.
  2. Access the list of building note Types, by click on the [More] button on the Building Notes listing.

  1. This opens the Buildings Notes Type list screen as shown below.

  1. Click [Add] to add a Building Note Type or highlight and [Edit] to modify an existing Building Note Type.

  1. Enter/edit Building Note Type. Click [Save] to save the changes, or [Cancel] to discard edits and go back to the previous screen.